At Markd Global, we work with leaders who want to make a mark in their world powered by a personal sense of purpose. They are changemakers in their sphere of influence.

Every changemaker’s journey starts with PX™ – The Purpose Experience. This is an authentic experience that identifies a leader’s unique purpose and the activation plans to bring it to life.

Sibon Schouten, Founder of Markd Global connected with Desiree to discover the outcomes of her PX™, and how in weeks she was appointed Markd Global EMEA Director and now helps leaders find and activate their purpose.

SS. Firstly, Desiree, what is your background?

DdW: I am someone who loves to “gets stuff done” with heart! I’m an experienced corporate leader and marketer with a background in software and telecom. In the last decade, I have branched into entrepreneurship across photography, handwoven textiles, event management, fitness, and corporate wellness. Having grown up as an expatriate child and moved around as an adult, I have lived in 14 different countries, learned to speak 4 languages, and worked in markets as diverse as the US, The Netherlands, Chile, Turkey, and China.

SS. When we met in Amsterdam, I suggested you go through PX™ – The Purpose Experience – to understand how we work with leaders. What did PX™ uncover for you?

DdW. PX™ helped me crystallize my skills and life experiences to define who I am and what I want in the next half of my career and life. I knew I was entering a new chapter from spending almost 30 years as an expatriate to now living as a local in Amsterdam and then facing a future as an empty nester. This life stage represented a fresh start to realign my values and find what inspires me, which is why PX™ was so timely.

SS. After completing PX™, you went on to experience the Purpose to Impact program run by Core Leadership Institute. Both these experiences worked together to define your purpose.

DdW. I always knew that I loved bringing people together but only after doing PX™, did I realize that “connection” is my superpower. Connecting people has been a constant theme in my life whether it’s based on hobbies and interests, exercise, networking, or organizing events and social gatherings. It’s enabled me to successfully reinvent myself with every move. Through our partnership with Core Leadership Institute, I was invited to experience their 2-Day Purpose to Impact program. My purpose statement became super clear after this: Connect and discover the unbeaten path with me!

SS. I remember when you shared your purpose statement for the first time. It felt so you and then so right for what Markd Global needed in its next phase of growth. Since then we’ve started hosting events and you suggested we extend our services to include leaders in transition. Why was this important to you?

DdW. I am familiar with the journey of a trailing spouse and the challenge of reinventing myself in new settings. Through constant curiosity and connecting with people, I have built resilience through these changes whilst maintaining an equilibrium between all the priorities that life brings. Now back in the Netherlands, I felt we could hold events to inspire people to discover PX™ and adapt our services to help leaders going through transition.

SS. I often say to our team, we are building the plane as we fly. You are based in the Netherlands and work remotely with leaders across the globe that you’ve never met face to face. What has working in this environment been like for you?

DdW. Having lived in many different countries throughout my life, working with diverse global leaders feels natural. As I said connecting is my superpower. I read people well and build rapport quickly. I also enjoy the flexibility of working very early in the morning and the evening so I can focus on health, fitness, and my family during the day. The work at Markd Global is also very rewarding as with each leader’s unique story and background, we help them find their purpose and cocreate its activation together.

SS: What does the future look like for you?

DdW: It’s the alignment of three Cs: Curiosity, Choice, and Connection. My mind is always swirling with to-do lists. Every day balances juggling my family, my work at Markd Global, planning my spinning classes, and finding time for exercise and self-care. I have been an expat for almost 30 years and have always been very active in each community where I have lived. My curiosity for learning has always shaped how I spend my time and will continue to do so.

SS. You’re in your 50s at a time when society might expect you to slow down, but it sounds like you are ramping up. Do you think purpose and meaningful work is propelling you forward?

DdW. Yes, absolutely. Once you find purpose, every experience adds to moving you forward to the next one. Before Markd Global, I worked for a mental health consultancy, called Bearapy to promote emotional resilience and mental wellbeing in the workplace. I loved my role there and the impact we were making but my job couldn’t move to Europe with me. It’s funny how that role prepared me for this one as I have to connect with leaders at an emotional level and work through life and career stories with many ups and downs. You have to understand what makes up a human being – emotionally, physically, and mentally to do this job well.

SS. We go back to that connection word again.

DdW. Yes, it’s like everything connects to move you forward so you can make your mark, as we say. With my daughters leaving the nest, I have more time to focus on work and wellbeing. So, no this chapter is not about slowing down in the traditional sense but working smarter to make a bigger impact.

SS. Being a mental health advocate, I love how you connect purpose with stress management and decision-making. Can you explain the link?

DdW. When leaders, employees, and companies are aligned on their purpose, it creates focus, meaning, and decision-making at every level of an organisation. As an example, in the busyness of my life, I’m often faced with decision fatigue. I find the best way to help make decisions is to check if it aligns with my purpose. Over time this leads to a more purposeful and less stressful life. I believe the same applies to business.

SS: Another theme that connected us is Carpe Diem. This was even a theme at my wedding. How does Carpe Diem motivate you?

DdW: Carpe diem and “Work hard and play hard” are some of my favourite affirmations. Another is from my dear friend Lucille, “What doesn’t challenge you, doesn’t change you”. I am always looking for the next physical or exercise challenge which helps keep me in shape. In every city I have lived in, I love to explore “off the beaten path.” Every day I aspire to discover something new that brings me joy – whether it’s an article, a new walking path, a new coffee shop, or a new podcast.

SS: It’s amazing how your purpose, the three Cs, and your affirmations have been propelling you forward all along. You made the decision to join our team almost overnight. What do you love most about working at Markd Global?

DdW: I love the work I do at Markd Global as I truly feel it makes a large impact and difference in people’s lives. It helped me clarify my purpose and now I get to pay it forward.

SS: What opportunities do we have to improve the work we do?

DdW: Markd Global is positioned to make an incredible lasting impact on leaders and their businesses. “Purpose” is not tangible and once you have it, no one can take it away from you. However, it’s not easy to sell our services. Once leaders see the benefits of “finding purpose” and have that “aha” moment – the rest falls into place. Our challenge at Markd Global is to continuously educate the market on the benefits of finding and activating purpose. The other challenge is that many businesses think “they can do it themselves” – build a website, and create their brand assets and marketing materials. Businesses often underestimate the power of purpose and how it links to their strategy, storytelling, and brand building. More importantly, one cannot do this “purpose-seeking” journey alone – it requires someone outside the business to help identify what will propel the idea/ brand forward to make its mark on the world. We need to do an even better job of communicating the value we bring and how we can make a difference.

Wrapping up

We love Desiree and her global and full-circle story. In her PX™, she shared with us that she was given her beautiful French name because she was much desired.

She reminds us that we are all much desired. And no matter where we’ve come from or where we’re going, we can continuously reinvent ourselves – that every part of our story, no matter how different from everyone else’s matters.

Desiree inspires our team and our clients to connect with her to discover the unbeaten path, one that connects to our purpose and wellbeing. What an exciting journey that promises to be.

If you found this insightful and would like to discover your purpose, reach out at

If you’re a leader in transition, link in with Desiree here.